Type-C Photographic Prints
19x19 inches
foveal (mis)conceptions is a series of photographs dealing with vision and the choices we make regarding it. The title makes reference to the fovea centralis, a small depression within the retina that constitutes the area of most distinct vision. Light waves projecting within the fovea centralis are perceived as very sharp, allowing us to see that particular section of our vision with exceptional clarity. Light waves projected outside of it are within our peripheral vision and become less sharp as they progress toward the edge of our sight. My interest in this lies in the fact that our eyes act very similar, though not identical to, the working systems of a camera. With a camera, through focus and aperture choices, I am able to attempt to replicate this process of focused (foveal vision) and un-focused (peripheral vision) within my photographs. With a camera I use its ability to "un-focus" in order to compose my images based on form rather than detail. This practice has led me to "un-focus" my eyes when looking at something or to pay closer attention to my peripheral vision.